Passing your NCLEX… (on the first try)

Passing your NCLEX… (on the first try)

I can’t promise you’ll pass your first time. But what I can promise is with the right tools, dedication of time and undivided attention, and quality balance of rest and preparation, you’ll have your greatest chance. Here are a few things to keep in mind as your brain prepares for its next (exciting) challenge, and last step until those letters of RN or LPN can be written aside your name.

Know the “Do's and Don'ts

The NCLEX deserves the attention you’ve given all of nursing school. And fair enough, since it’ll encompass parts of every single course you’ve taken throughout that time. Let me start by saying it’s completely okay if you don’t pass on your first try. These resources are meant to give you extra guidance, insight, and ideas for your best shot at success. The world will not end if you don’t pass your first time around, so don’t panic. You’ve passed nursing school, so you can do this, whatever that timing may be.

I can’t promise you’ll pass your first time. But what I can promise is with the right tools, dedication of time and undivided attention, and quality balance of rest and preparation, you’ll have your greatest chance. Here are a few things to keep in mind as your brain prepares for its next (exciting) challenge, and last step until those letters of RN or LPN can be written aside your name.


✅ Do:

  • Make a schedule. Section off your days into different topics. Make your topics flow! The heart and lungs together, the central nervous system and related infection like meningitis, the skeletal system and osteoporosis/arthritis. This flow helps you to connect the dots instead of blindly choosing a topic and then studying.
  • Take small quizzes every day. Even if they’re only ten questions, fully commit to these mini exams. Block out time, choose a silent space, and try to imagine yourself taking the exam. Take 10 questions in a row and then for each question, read the correct answer and every rationale (even if you got it correct!) Think of rationales as answers to future questions & save them in your knowledge bank by writing them down in an organized way.
  • Commit. It can be really easy to take time away from all things “nursing” before your scheduled test date. But this won’t necessarily help you come back refreshed. Yes, some time to breathe is needed. But too much time might cause you to feel shaky when returning to the content. Keep it fresh in your mind and do a little every day.

    ❌ Don’t:

    • Be scattered. Your mind is preparing, whether you know it or not, for a huge (for lack of a better word…) TEST of its knowledge. So clear extra “mind clutter”. Choose a clean surface to study or a quiet place like a local library. Keep your personal schedule as low-stress as you possibly can, and get plenty of rest. Nursing school has been your priority for the last months to years. Now, the NCLEX will be at the forefront, so give your brain as much zen as possible as it preps for the big day.
    • Cram! Cramming is not going to help you here. Why? Because there’s no focused topic on this test. You’re seeing everything you’ve learned from the very beginning to the last week before graduation. I know that sounds scary, but in reality, you already have the knowledge. By taking a huge chunk of time away from nursing content and cramming last minute, you simply won’t retain. So, a little bit a day truly does keep the stress away.
    • Study everywhere. Here’s an example. Try to keep your bedroom or living space a quiet “study-free” place for decompressing or relaxing at night. If you’re studying 24/7 in every single space, you’re never going to feel like you can breathe easy and take a true break. Keep at least one place quiet and a “no-study” zone for reading, rest, or much needed sleep.

    Remember, everyone’s lives are different. We have jobs, families, obligations, and nothing here has to be followed to a “T”. But hold yourself accountable for your own success. You’ve gone through more difficult things, and you will go through more. The NCLEX doesn’t have to be a heavy cloud of a day. It’s finally yout time to put your knowledge to the test and prove that all your hard work has gotten you that seat in the testing center. 

    See more NCLEX BLOGS:

    You got this, future nurse!
    I can’t wait to see where this brings you!

    <3 Kristine

    Download the Cram Guide

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